Are you ready to leverage your influence, confirm dreamy collabs and monetize your brand whilst also building a business which you love?


    Get to know me

    Hey beautiful, I'm Sam!

    Welcome! I’m Sam, a marketing lawyer, marketing consultant and positive psychology coach with over 10 years experience working with some of the world's leading brands, talent and content creators on huge marketing campaigns and collaborations. I’ve worked on talent and influencer deals with celebrities, to macro influencers, to micro influencers, on product collaborations, on service collaborations, on huge event collaborations and on so many different types of advertisements you’d be here for another thirty minutes reading the list!
    I have worked brand side and talent side (and I have recently begun to consult for marketing agencies too after mostly sitting across the table working with them for brands and talent). I have worked with multi-billion pound beloved brands with multiple seven figure marketing budgets, and with brands turning over high six figures to low seven figures preparing to scale and not forgetting the many incredible small businesses with amazing brand propositions, products and services ready to launch their businesses to success. I love everything about creating scaling and monetising brands, leveraging influence and bringing to life dreamy collaborations. Why? Because it’s all about connection and empowerment. Connection with audiences, connection between collaborators and empowering brand owners to step into their strengths and share their passions with the world. For over ten years I've been behind the scenes advising, coaching and cheerleading the most incredible successes. I’ve celebrated the most incredible ads come to life across socials, TV and out of home media, celebrated the pre-launch and launches of the most sought after products and services and celebrated whilst brands nailed their marketing strategy, increased their revenues and continued to scale and grow beyond immeasurable success. I have also celebrated individuals who have achieved their life long dreams of launching podcasts, books, vlogs, blogs and speaking engagements. It’s my absolute passion, joy and pleasure to support founders, creators, coaches, talent, influencers and brands in this way. And whilst I absolutely love what I do, working behind the scenes has also allowed me to see all of the challenges faced by agencies, brands, talent, creators, influencers, founders and coaches. The first is that there is literally talent behind the talent. Talent which is expensive, exclusive and often out of reach of most founders, creators, coaches, talent, influencers, coaches and brands just starting out or scaling. There are so many incredible industry insights that are gatekeeped or just not accessible that I always wondered how many incredible brands, products and services would be brought to life if only people had access to the information which big brands pay big money for. That’s how INFLUENCE X COLLAB CLUB was created. The second is that brands, talent, creators, influencers, founders and coaches are constantly meeting high expectations and tight deadlines all whilst trying to keep up with the latest trends, adding value and looking and feeling great whilst doing it. This extends to the talent behind the talent too such as inhouse marketeers, agencies, consultants and lawyers. There is so much burn out in the industry that so many talented individuals are quitting or no longer feeling passionate about what they do - despite absolutely loving the purpose and mission of their brands and most of the things they work on. After seeing years of this (and experiencing some of this personally myself) I decided to certify as a positive psychology coach to help marketeers, agencies, consultants, lawyers, brands, talent, creators, influencers, founders and coaches build success careers, brands and businesses which they love, bring them joy and allow them to live their dream lives. This can look like making millions, buying a super car or super yacht and/or it can look like having the freedom to work from anywhere, during the hours that suits you whilst you spend the rest of the time doing things you love with people you love. It’s up to you. But the first step is allowing space for yourself to ‘create you’ in the same way you create content, products and services for other people. That’s how my 1:1 coaching programme was formed.


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    • Sed eu sonet mediocrem, ea munere mucius est. Laud em dictas verear ea mel, te eos mutat saperet consete tur, mei eu case nusquam molestie. Molestie signi ferumque pro ne, assum mediocrem intellegat vix no. Vidisse deter ruisset has ne.

    • Sed eu sonet mediocrem, ea munere mucius est. Laud em dictas verear ea mel, te eos mutat saperet consete tur, mei eu case nusquam molestie. Molestie signi ferumque pro ne, assum mediocrem intellegat vix no. Vidisse deter ruisset has ne.

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    • Sed eu sonet mediocrem, ea munere mucius est. Laud em dictas verear ea mel, te eos mutat saperet consete tur, mei eu case nusquam molestie. Molestie signi ferumque pro ne, assum mediocrem intellegat vix no. Vidisse deter ruisset has ne.

    • Sed eu sonet mediocrem, ea munere mucius est. Laud em dictas verear ea mel, te eos mutat saperet consete tur, mei eu case nusquam molestie. Molestie signi ferumque pro ne, assum mediocrem intellegat vix no. Vidisse deter ruisset has ne.

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